Measured Distance.
The Measured Distance: The distance between the crossing leading lines of an Experimental Range.
The ship’s speed depends on the number of revolutions and the pitch of the propeller. But, due to external factors, the speed can be determined in Experimental Range:
– Initial – at exit from the shipyard;
– For control – at least once a year.
To determine the speed, the hydro meteorological conditions must be favourable:
– Wind force up to 3;
– Sea state up to 1-2;
– There are no marine currents and be sheltered from waves and wind;
– To have a sufficient length;
– To be deep and large enough.
It is recommended simultaneous determination of the ship’s speed and the log correction (or log coefficient).
To eliminate errors caused by external factors, the ship runs 2-4 passes in the opposite direction and do the arithmetic mean.
Trials were run for several schemes: Dead Slow, Slow, Half, Full.
With the obtained data builds a table and a graph, both will be posted in the wheelhouse.
Using this graph may be obtained then the ship’s speed for any other revolutions.
The Excel file contains various examples that can be deleted and edited with your data.
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