Experimental Range.
The Experimental Range: Is a maritime area near and parallel to the coast, arranged for carrying out various trials with the ships, such as:
– The relationship between speed and number of revolutions;
– The elements of ship’s turning (gyration);
– The ship’s way (inertia);
– The magnetic compass deviation;
– The gyro compass correction;
The arrangement of the Experimental Range consists of:
– A leading line parallel to the coast;
– Two or more crossing leading lines, perpendicular to the first, and that marks the distances accurately determined.
The Measured Distance: The distance between the crossing leading lines.
The main conditions for a good Experimental Range:
– There are no marine currents and be sheltered from waves and wind;
– To have a sufficient length, usually from 3 to 10 Nm;
– To be deep and large enough.
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